Arm Sculpting 101: Biceps and Triceps Workout Routine

Want to know how to create the best Biceps and Triceps workout routine to sculpt and strengthen your arms? Here are the exercises you should incorporate into your upper body day to help you grow your muscles.Β 

Biceps and Triceps

Understanding the anatomy of your body, in this case, your arm
will help you target the appropriate muscles, unleash your arms’ full potential, and embark on a journey towards powerful, well-developed biceps and triceps.
After reading this blog, I guarantee you will feel more confident and ready for your next push-pull arm day.Β 

This post is all about Arm Sculpting 101: Biceps and Triceps Workout Routine.

Differences Between your Biceps and Triceps:

Your biceps muscle is located in the upper arm, between your shoulders and elbow, allowing your elbows to flex. To target your biceps focus on exercises that require the pulling muscle of your upper body. In contrast, your triceps muscle is located at the back of your upper arm, allowing your elbow to extend. To target your triceps focus on exercises that require the pushing muscle of your upper body.

Essential Biceps Workout Routine:

As mentioned before, to target your biceps, focus on exercises that require the pulling muscle of your upper body, such as:

Essential Triceps Workout Routine:

As mentioned before, to target your triceps focus on exercises that require the pushing muscle of your upper body, such as:

  • Tricep Pushdown
  • Tricep Dips
  • Close Grip Bench Press
  • Diamond Push-Ups
  • Bench Dips

*Incorporating these workouts into your arm workout routine will not only help you tone and define your arms but will also help you build more muscular arms through progressive overload.

How to Create A Well-Rounded Arm Workout Routine:

When creating your upper body arm routine, incorporate compound exercises targeting various muscle groups. Also, pick 1-2 exercises from above that target your biceps and triceps. Also includes exercises that target your shoulders, such as overhead presses, lateral raises, front raises, etc. Depending on your fitness strength, focus on your form, progressive overloading, and finding the proper sets and rest period range that aligns with your fitness goals.Β 

This post is all about Arm Sculpting 101: Biceps and Triceps Workout Routine