4 Best Workouts to Grow your Quads

Want to know the 4 Best Workouts to Grow Your Quads? This is the exact workout routine I do for my Quad-Focused leg day.

Quad workout routine for mass

The gym is simple when you know what you’re trying to target. Many people go to the gym with no idea/plan; change that!! Before heading to the gym, prepare yourself. Ask yourself the following questions:Β 

  • What is my end goal?Β 
  • What muscle do I want to target in my quads?Β 

This post is all about the 4 Best Workouts to Grow your Quads.

When creating your workout routine, try to incorporate one exercise that targets a muscle in your quads:Β  Rectus Femoris, Vastus Intermedius, Vastus Lateralis, and Vastus Medialis. The overall function of all 4 muscles is to extend the knee and hip flexion.Β 

What are 4 Best Workouts to Grow Your Quads?

Rectus Femoris:

quad focused leg day

  • Rectus Femoris is located in the anterior, middle part of your thigh, and its function is to extend the knee and flex the hip.
  • You can target this muscle by adding squats, lunges, leg extensions, or straight leg raises to your routine.Β 

Vastus Intermedius

Quad Day Leg routine

  • Vastus Intermedius is located towards your inner thigh beneath your rectus femoris.Β 
  • You can target this muscle by adding heel-elevated back squats, cycling, lunges, goblet squats, or pulse squats to your routine.Β 

Vastus Lateralis

Vastus Lateralis

  • Vastus Lateralis is your outer quads and is the largest muscles.
  • You can target this muscle by adding Front/Back/Sissy/Goblet squats, Step Up, Leg extension, or lunges to your routine.Β 

Vastus Medialis

Leg Day Workout Routine

  • Vastus Medialis or the teardrop helps stablizes your kneecap and is located towards the front of your thigh.
  • You can target this muscle by adding leg press, heel elevated squat/lunges, sumo deadlift, or step ups to your routine.Β 

Check out 4 Best Girl Workouts to Grow your Glutes